Festival Sponsorship

The Festival & the Business Community
The partnerships between the Festival, sponsors and volunteers have been the foundation upon which the Festival has been built. The Festival's success is also the result of the community's willingness to share its time and money. The Festival is pleased to have the support of generous sponsors and proudly acknowledges their contributions to our overall success and continuous growth.
The Kincardine Scottish Festival relies heavily on help from our friends, be it in the form of volunteering, in-kind goods and services, or financial donations. We are grateful to the many businesses and individuals who have made sponsorship donations and without whom we could not deliver the quality Festival that you have come to expect. Sponsorships of any size are gratefully received, and recognition is given accordingly.
Attention Prospective 2025 Sponsors!
The Kincardine Scottish Festival & Highland Games has been making memories for over 25 years and we would like to invite you to support the festival as a sponsor this upcoming season.
The partnerships between the Festival, sponsors and volunteers have been the foundation upon which the Festival has been built. The Festival's success is also the result of the community's willingness to share its time and money. The Festival is pleased to have the support of generous sponsors and proudly acknowledges their contributions to our overall success and continuous growth.
Check out our corporate sponsorship opportunities
Reach out to us directly at our office to enquire

2024 Sponsors