Highland Dance Update 2024

It is with regret that the Kincardine Scottish Festival & Highland Games Board of Directors has announced the decision to pause the Highland Dance competition for this year. This difficult decision stems from site planning issues surrounding our stage and the unfortunate reality that our manufactured stage is no longer a safe viable solution. We are exploring other options to accommodate Highland Dance in some form over the course of the weekend. As such, we have requested assistance from The Highland Dancers’ Association of Ontario to work with us to see if any studio would be interested in being paid to perform and showcase their talents at our festival.
We understand the disappointment this may bring to the dancers' community, but ensuring our event's safety and sustainability is paramount. We appreciate your understanding and support.
We welcome any studios interested in showcasing your talents and are willing to perform on the big stage at this year’s Kincardine Scottish Festival, please contact us directly at kinscotfest@bmts.com
~Kincardine Scottish Festival Board 2024~